BINGO Gerald "Jerry" Jones, Jr.

F: Terrible (02)
A: Bad (04)
S: Phenomenal (100)
E: Average (06)
R: Bad (04)
I: Bad (04)
P: Average (06)

Health: 112
Karma: 14
Wealth: Zero
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Jerry is an 8 year old boy and as yet has no meaningful skills.
Bingo, the Wonder Boy, is really Jerry Jones, Jr. a regular kid who only needs to say "KA-BANG!" in order to magically become the strongest and fastest boy in the whole world! He is aided by his genie, the Yama Lama of Ka-Bang.

  • FLIGHT (Average)
  • ULTIMATE ABILITY (Strength) (Phenomenal)
  • SUPER SPEED (Flight) (Phenomenal)
  • SUPER SPEED (Running) (Phenomenal)
  • SERVANT - Bingo's powers are given to him by his Genie, which is also his Servant:


    A Genie (in classical Arabic, Jinni, plural Jinn) is a magical eldritch creature who, although physical, is composed not of normal phases of matter like a human being but instead is composed of plasma and time crystals ("beings of smokeless flame"). They can appear as balls of light, snakes, scorpions or humans but all Genie have Shapeshifting (Bad) and can also use Magic. They are natural invisible to humans (Phenomenal intensity Invisibility). Although generally invisible, jinn are supposed to be composed of thin and subtle bodies (ad̲j̲sām), that they can change at will. They favour snake form, but can also choose to appear as scorpions, lizards or as humans. They may even engage in sexual affairs with humans and produce offspring. If they are injured by someone, they usually seek revenge or possess the assailant's body (Mind Control at Phenomenal intensity), refusing to leave it until forced to do so by exorcism (Psyche to Psyche combat). Jinn do not usually meddle in human affairs, preferring to live with their own kind in tribes similar to those of pre-Islamic Arabia. Having said that, a surprisingly large number of them do end up being the secret helpers or Servants of superheroes.

    DecentAverageTriple ShiftTriple ShiftAverageAveragePlanetary11161012

    • Heroic Genie helpers include Yama Lama of Ka-Bang, Aladdin's Genie, The Genie of the Olden Glowing Jug, The Genie of Zayn al-Asnam, Al Addin's Genie and Red Reeves' Genie. Villainous genies include The Green Genie and the supernatural Servants of the Sorceress of Zoom.



    Notes:: Bingo exists in the Dream-Lands. He is "real" there but has never appeared in the mortal realm of Earth.