BRICK BAT (Real name unknown)

F: Average (06)
A: World Class (30)
S: Decent (10)
E: Average (06)
R: Average (06)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)

Health: 52
Karma: 18
Wealth: Bad (04)
Popularity: -1

Talents / Specialities:
Brick Throwing, Bullying, Drive Car, Climbing, Hide in Plain Sight, Hide in Crowds
That weird figure of the night, the Brick Bat, is a robber dressed as a bat who kills people by throwing "brick-like death dealing objects." When thrown they break up into poison gas that leaves no trace. He commissioned them from a scientist and then killed him so that no one else could get their hands on the formula.

  • GIMMICK - Poison Gas Grenade Bricks (World Class): World Class intensity Affliction (lethal poison gas) on successful hit on a target at standard range and area of effect.



    Removing his cowl allows Brick Bat to blend into any crowd of people almost instantly.