PRINCESS PANTHA Ringmaster of the Wild Kingdom!

F: World Class (30)
A: Great (20)
S: Great (22)
E: World Class (30)
R: Average (06)
I: Great (20)
P: World Class (30)

Health: 102
Karma: 56
Wealth: Average (06)
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Circus Performance, Public Speaking, Business Management, Animal Handling, Animal Training, Grappling, Running, Swimming, Climbing, Breakout, Evasion, Stun, Slam
Princess Pantha is a skilled animal trainer who usually lives and works in Africa or tours the world with her own burlesque circus featuring "wild" animal acts. She has a hypnotic ability when interacting with Animals and Creatures.

  • SWINGING (Great)
  • SOUND CONTROL - Siren - Limitation - Narrow Effect - Animals and Creatures only (World Class): Pantha can command Animals or Creatures in earshot of her voice. She can select to control all animals, a single animal, a species of animal or a mixed group as she sees fit, within the limits of this power. Trying to control a number of living animals or creatures greater in number than her Psyche ability score requires a Silver or better roll on this Power for Pantha to successfully control them.
  • Contacts: Dane Hunter, an American author who visits her in Africa from time to time or accompanies her on animal trapping expeditions or other adventures.

