RED RUBE Rueben Rueben (not a typo)

First statistics are for Rueben Rueben the boy, second statistics are for his Alter Ego, Red Rube:
F: Terrible (02) / Great (20)
A: Decent (10) / Fantastic (40)
S: Bad (04) / Phenomenal (100)
E: Decent (10) / Phenomenal (100)
R: Average (06) / Decent (10)
I: Average (06) / Phenomenal (100)
P: Bad (04) / Phenomenal (100) when facing fear, otherwise World Class (30)

Health: 26 / 260
Karma: 16 / 140 / 210 when facing fear effects
Resources: Bad (04) (Rueben Rueben was a cub reporter for the Daily Sun in the late 1940s through 1960s, pretending to be his own son in later years. When the Daily Sun folded he became a freelance journalist. When the internet expanded its reach he became a blogger and is now a freelance writer with few assignments to his name.) / Great (20) (Red Rube has salted away quite a good amount of Wealth in accounts around the world as well as in a secret cave on Shark Island in New England)
Popularity: 0 / 4 (some people vaguely remember a particularly brash and odd superhero from decades ago - didn't he die or something? Or was he an alien or some kind of thing? People are surprised, but a little pleased, that a "Golden Age" superhero is still around and not a debilitated venerable age person.)

Talents / Specialities:
Rueben Rueben: Talent: Journalism; History of the Rueben family; Sleeping rough; Streetwise; Observant (+1 RS on Intuition rolls when searching, spying or investigating)
Red Rube: Grappling, Punching, Breakout, Charging, Catching, Snatching, Motivational Speaking

Rueben Rueben was a 12 year old orphan in Colorado who hated his orphanage, running away when the orphanage owner threatens to whip with a cat-o-nine-tales (again). Rueben climbs into the foothills to hide and finds a castle. Hiding out in what he thinks is an abandoned castle, there he meets the caretaker, an old man who gives him an elixir that lets him meet his ancestors. The old man then dies. Rueben discovers as he sees visions that most of his ancesotrs were great men who were also named Rueben Rueben. After these spirits of the departed argue among themselves over which gift they should give Rueben, each of them give him an aspect of what made them great: Courage, Strength, Stamina, Toughness, Wisdom.

Rueben finds that by shouting the old carnie warning of “Hey Rube!” (even though none of his ancestors are known to have had anything to do with the carnival) he is able to turn into a powerful adult version of himself who becomes known as Red Rube.

Rueben Rueben has lived decades longer without much age progression because for long periods of time has remained in the adult Red Rube form. When in that form he does not age, and this conjured superhero form ages but very slowly and losing none of its vigor. Rueben Rueben will one day age past the apparent age of his superhero Alter Ego, but the superhero form will still not have suffered many of the ravages of age since its Damage Resistance gives it a kind of unnatural long life.

  • SUPER ABILITY (Strength)(Phenomenal)
  • SUPER ABILITY (Psyche)(Phenomenal) but only applied to resisting the effects of any form of fear including Emotion Control, Nightmare power, Telepathic attacks implanting fear and so on.
  • SUPER ABILITY (Endurance)(Phenomenal)
  • SUPER ABILITY (Intuition)(Phenomenal)
  • DAMAGE RESISTANCE (Planetary): It would take a Vehicle launched missile or similar Weapon to really hurt Red Rube, and they would want to be firing multiple rounds at him fast as they can.
  • FLIGHT (Wondrous)
  • ALTER EGO - Rueben Rueben has no Powers and his "slots" in Powers are applied to Red Rube to confer permanent Rank Shifts.

Rueben Rueben in the current day has very few Contacts. He has a handful of people he talks to online but none of them have been developed into Contacts yet. Irony of ironies due to the long periods of time he has spent in Central Casting waiting for Red Rube to swap with him, he is still apparently young enough for truancy and child welfare agencies to pursue him if he comes to their attention.

Disturbing Dreams

Rueben Rueben is a boy out of time but since he was never particularly intelligent or perceptive what might devastate someone else doesn't phase him much. However, he is plagued by dreams, or possible flashbacks via the Akashic Record, of his many past lives. He writes them up in a secret set of files online detailing his many bizarre ancestors going back to pre-Dynastic Egypt and The Younger Dryas Flood -- his earliest era dream-self is an adventurer called Ha-Ru-Ben who adventured in the valleys destined to become the Mediterranean Sea and the North Sea.

When transformed to Red Rube, or when he swaps places with his Alter Ego, the Alter Ego initially strongly resembles Rueben Rueben in general outlook and goals. However, after the superhero Alter Ego has remained in the physical world for some time, he begins asserting himself - joining a Team, getting a girlfriend, and generally living the normal life of a superhero. Only in extreme circumstances does Red Rube swap back to Rueben Rueben.