Improvised Weapons

This super power allows the character to pick up and use any non-weapon as a weapon without penalty. For example picking up a bath towel, a tin cup or a candlestick and using them as the closest equivalent to a “real” weapon such as a bowl of hot ashes, brass knuckles or a billy club. The only drawback is that often the improvised weapon is not as strong as a real weapon, having not been designed to withstand combat impacts. For this reason an improvised weapon will break after one use if the character’s roll on this power to turn a non-weapon into a weapon fails. In other words, even if the roll to “activate” this power fails, the character can still use the non-weapon as a weapon for one round.

Slapstick Fighting

Only trained professionals should attempt to kill someone with a whole boiled lobster or deep dish banana crème pie.

Slapstick Fighting is a skill (Speciality, Talent) that functions as a limited version of the Improvised Weapons power. Rather than letting the character use any item as a NON-LETHAL weapon without penalty, the skill allows any of the following to be used as if it were a normal (non-lethal) weapon with which the character is proficient (ie +1 Row Shift):

  • Soda Siphon,
  • Length of Wooden Plank,
  • Cream Pie,
  • Length of Rope (can also somehow function as Binding power if the gamemaster allows),
  • Ladder,
  • Frying Pan,
  • Slipper or Shoe,
  • Hat,
  • Tin of House Paint,
  • Potted Plant,
  • Ordinary non-powered Tool,
  • Crab,
  • Ball,
  • Towel,
  • Barrel,
  • Lobster,
  • Tropical Fish,
  • Octopus or Squid.
  • Slapstick Fighting is actually the type of fighting used in the old Saturday morning cartoons for children in which direct physical violence is prohibited: lots of running around, physical comedy and harmless or nonlethal stunning and tripping attacks. Lots of entanglements and pratfalls. Such shows are basically an example of a world where most people use Slapstick Fighting and also nominate to only use non-lethal or stunning attacks on the villains.

    Bumbling police detectives, standup comedians, mimes, stooges, robotic stooges, meddling kids and their pets, humanoid animals, clowns, Illusionists and many other types of hero may make non-lethal and off the wall combat an essential part of their behavior when adventuring.