ISHTAR Jane (Last Name Unknown)

Ishtar was a goddess in ancient Mesopotamia, who has complex issues such as being the goddess of War. Wanting to take over the earth world, she raises a legion of zombies. She runs into Ruth and Freddy who become thorns in her side while preparing for world domination.

F: Planetary (1000)
A: Decent (10)
S: Phenomenal (100)
E: Planetary (1000)
R: Average (06)
I: Average (06)
P: Cosmic (5000)

Health: 2,110
Karma: 5012 + 500 from her karma pool with her armies of darkness
Popularity: -33

Talents / Specialities:
Judging the Living and the Dead, Strategy, Tactics, Leadership, Seduction, Occult ceremonies, Ancient History, Language: English (native Shemite speaker)

Ishtar is a goddess, and at one time was one of the most widely worshipped and powerful goddesses in known recorded history. As such her vestigial cosmic powers grant her unlimited abilities to access super powers of any kind she chooses.

  • MAGIC - BLACK MAGIC (Cosmic)
  • ALTERATION RAY (all types possible) (Cosmic)
  • WEATHER CONTROL - Limitation - Narrow Effect - Bad weather only (PLANETARY)

  • Contacts:
    Servants of evil worldwide, her zombies (those of them able to think)

    Limited by the Cosmic Balance: her use of overwhelming cosmic force in the context of the mortal realm creates "antibodies", people and creatures almost entirely insignificant to her, and therefore easy for her to overlook or underrate. Because of the sheer power she commands and uses on mortals, mortals are always given a chance, however unlikely or hopeless-seeming, to completely defeat and destroy her.

    Ishtar's godhood gives her the extraordinary ability to both create life, and to take it away. Ishtar was also able to harness thunderstorms and unleash them on her victims, destroying crops and harvests. Her links with war tied Ishtar with the dishing out of justice, particularly punishment for those found guilty of crimes. All that is in the past now.

    ISHTAR used under license from TidalWave Productions Comic book and graphic novel publisher. The image, name and all related indicia of this character remain (c) and trademark TidalWave Productions, but the statistics and general writeup are free for you to use in your own games!