MOKTAR Monster of Mars

F: Average (06)
A: Average (06)
S: Phenomenal (100)
E: Wondrous (75)
R: Bad (04)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)

Health: 187
Karma: 16
Resources: Bad (04)
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Grappling, Charging, Tracking by scent

Moktar are large ferocious creatures native to mars. Sinbad fought one in the arena of Emperor Akdhar. The Moktar are semi-intelligent, extremely aggressive and prone to Charging attacks.

  • GROWTH: Moktar stand 45 feet tall.

Contacts: Other than their arenakeepers and presumably their parents, none.


Permanently On (Growth): Cyclops are permanently 45 feet tall.

Notes:: At 45 feet tall, the Kaiju rules, in particular the Giant-Sized Smashing Things rules, apply to Moktar.

MOKTAR used under license from TidalWave Productions comic book and graphic novel publisher. The image, name and all related indicia of this character remain (c) and trademark TidalWave Productions, but the statistics and general writeup are free for you to use in your own games!