PEGASUS Steed of Heroes!

F: Average (06)
A: Decent (10)
S: World Class (30)
E: World Class (30)
R: Bad (04)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)

Health: 76
Karma: 16
Resources: Bad (04)
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Acrobatics (when flying), Kick, Bite, Evasion

Perseus, on the advice of his mentor, stalked and captured Pegasus. From that point on, the magical flying horse was his Steed and helped him immeasurably on his quests and adventures!

  • SUPER STEED: +1RS to Agility
  • SUPER SPEED (Wondrous)

Contacts: Perseus, Bubo, Andromeda and the Olympian gods.


Notes:: Pegasus was wild when caught and still behaves like a wild horse if anyone other than his owner tries to ride him.

PEGASUS used under license from TidalWave Productions comic book and graphic novel publisher. The image, name and all related indicia of this character remain (c) and trademark TidalWave Productions, but the statistics and general writeup are free for you to use in your own games!