YLLA the Martian Crime Queen

F: Great (20)
A: Decent (10)
S: Average (06) -1RS on Earth
E: Decent (10) -1RS on Earth
R: World Class (30)
I: Average (06)
P: Fantastic (40)

Health: 46
Karma: 76
Resources: World Class (30) – crime pays pretty good, turns out.
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Ylla has the Martian equivalent of a MBA.
Specialities: Accountancy, Drive Martian Saucer, Investigation, Weapon Skill: Blaster pistol, Martian Occultism, Mind Reading, Martial Arts (+1 on wrestling, hip throwing, dodging and tripping rolls),

Ylla is a Martian. On Earth, this reduces her Strength and Endurance by 1 Rank.

Ylla was an investigator on Mars, working for the ancient Law Computer. When she began investigating crimes, and eventually crimes on Earth, she decided the wrong side of the law was infinitely preferable to long boring life cataloguing old law cases.

  • TELEPATHY (Decent): Martians have the racial ability to speak using their mind rather than physical speech. This limited Telepathy does not allow them to read thoughts, divine intent or emotion or discover concealed information however Ylla has spent years with the Monks of Mons Olympus, training her telepathy to overcome the limitations. She can indeed read minds and even attempt subtle mind control or telepathy enhanced seduction.
  • MARTIAN WEAPONS: Ylla almost always has a Martian Blaster Pistol on her person or in easy reach:
    ___WEAPON______COST______MATERIAL STRENGTH______RANGE______DAMAGE______TYPE___
    BlasterLuxury -5RSDecentDecentGreatBlast (Explosion)

Ylla is on good terms with The Arm despite being an independent supervillain.


  • Hunted by the Law Robots: Ylla is a wanted criminal on Mars. The Law Robots may one day pursue her to Earth. However, before she left Mars permanently Ylla deleted all the information on the memory tapes relating to her and her crimes, studied the Law Robots and likely Martian superheroes who would be sent after her, and stole memory tapes of all successful crimes ever committed.
  • Dirty Stinking Nonhuman: all human characters have an innate immediate dislike of Martians on first contact. A Psyche feat can overcome this feeling which may never return. For humans only having casual contact with Martians this prejudice never goes away and makes all negotiations and discussions between Martians and humans suffer a -2RS penalty.

Ylla loves her life, loves committing crimes and delights in the ethos and life of a supervillain. She also often dates both supervillains AND superheroes whenever the whim strikes her.